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Discover the intoxicating power of romantic love in the myth of Paris and Helen of Troy where Paris betrays his country and family for the woman he loved in our continuing series on myths and symbols that influence our life. In this episode we discuss:

  • The levels of love and how we aren’t meant to remain in the romantic phase as it can turn destructive;
  • Symbology of the Trojan Horse;
  • What can we learn about love and how to harness its power without destroying others and ourselves.

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Intoxicating Power of Romantic Love – Myth of Paris & Helen of Troy


Robert Maldonado  00:04

Hello there, welcome back to Soul Sessions.

Debra Maldonado  00:07

Today’s episode is called The Intoxicating Power of Romantic Love. We’re going to continue our series on myths, this myth we’re talking about today is Paris and Helen of Troy, one of my favorite movies with Brad Pitt. If you haven’t seen it, it’s awesome. But it really is such a great myth. There’s so much symbology in it and things we can learn about ourself.

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