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Mythology can help us understand our human nature. Both Freud and Jung used the myths to help formulate symbols and meanings from dreams. In this new series, we explore the different myths and the symbols that influence our life. Learn how the myths can teach us about your evolution and growth.

In this episode we talk about how to transform anger by understanding the different symbols in the Myth of Medusa. We will discuss:

  • What spiritual tools did Perseus have to help him on his hero’s journey?
  • How Medusa symbolizes the negative Mother complex;
  • The emergence of Pegasus and what that means for our life;
  • How to work with the energy of anger to transform it into passion.

Watch the next Soul Session in this series on our YouTube Channel.
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Debra Maldonado  00:08

Hello, everyone, welcome back to another episode of Soul Sessions with CreativeMind.

Robert Maldonado  00:13

That’s right. It’s a new year and we’re starting a new series.

Debra Maldonado  00:18

New series and a new season, season five. We renewed ourselves. Let’s talk about what is the new series about, the next couple sessions.

Robert Maldonado  00:32

We left off talking about emotions and the power of emotions and a little bit of how to work with them. This is a unique part of our approach in work with Jungian theory, we get to use mythology, because myths essentially are speaking the same language as dreams. Dreams are essentially the messages that are coming from the unconscious mind. When we look at mythology, we’re looking at important psychological elements of psyche, according to Jung and a lot of people, of course, a lot of thinkers.

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