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Certified Jungian Life Coach and Bestselling Author Linda Davies joins Debra on Soul Sessions to explore how to use adversity to create a meaningful life and discuss her latest book, “What Every Woman Needs to Know to Create Financial Abundance.” Linda shares her personal stories and insights into:

  • What to do when wealth isn’t enough anymore
  • Leaving your job to follow your dreams
  • How to use your adversity to create a meaningful and awakened life

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Debra Maldonado  00:28 

I have a treat for you today on Soul Sessions. I am interviewing the famous author Linda Davies. She’s an award-winning and best-selling author of many thrillers, also a memoir called Kidnapped. Her latest book is What Every Woman Needs to Know to Create Financial Abundance. Linda Davies is an incredible woman, we had a deep conversation about what it means to have meaning in your life even if you have everything. The incredible resilience and stories of challenges she’s gone through in her life, how she used yoga psychology and Eastern philosophy to change life and step into her true power. I promise you, you’ll be inspired by her stories and her advice for how to deal with difficult times and how to get through it with brilliance and power. Before I bring Linda on, I wanted to remind you to subscribe to our channel to get more of these incredible interviews. Without further ado, I’d love for you to meet Linda Davies. Hello, welcome to the show. Linda is the author of What Every Woman Needs to Know to Create Financial Abundance. We are so excited to have you here on the show. This show is about personal growth but I do want to touch on the importance of financial abundance. I’m so glad you are here. We’re going to dive deeper into some other topics about resilience. How are you today, Linda?

Linda Davies  01:58

Hi, Debra. First of all, I’m thrilled to be on the show, thank you, I’m really excited. I’m really well, there is so much we can talk about.

Debra Maldonado  02:08

I’m just so excited to dig deep. Linda’s actually a Jungian life coach, she went through our training. We are going to add a little Jungian twist to everything, of course. Tell me what made you want to write this first book. Why do women need to know about financial abundance? Why was there a need for a book just for women? Maybe tell a little bit about your background in finance?

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