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In this last episode of our series on mental health, we have a candid discussion of what the future of mental health is. With more and more companies offering mental wellness programs and addressing the psychological needs of their employees as a critical part of company culture. How therapy has its place but is no longer the forefront of human development and potential. We discuss:

  • Do you need a therapist or a coach?
  • How to look at your past without pathologizing or identifying with a disorder
  • The importance of mental health when dealing with chronic illness and disease
  • The good news about the future and evolution of humanity

This podcast represents the opinions of Debra Berndt Maldonado and Robert Maldonado, PhD. The content here should not be taken as medical/mental health advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your mental healthcare professional for your mental health questions.

Watch the next Soul Session in this series on our YouTube Channel.
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What is the Future of Mental Health?



Debra Maldonado  00:28 

Hello, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Soul Sessions with CreativeMind. I’m Debra Maldonado, here with Dr. Rob Maldonado. We’re finalizing our series on mental health. This episode is the future of mental health. What can we do in the future, what’s in store for us to improve the mental health of our society? Before we get started, I’d love for you to subscribe to our channel, click on the button in the corner. If you’re watching us on YouTube, subscribe here. If you’re listening to a podcast service, make sure you click “subscribe” on your podcast service and don’t miss another episode. Let’s review a bit where we were at and where we’re going. We talked about children’s mental health issues.

Robert Maldonado  01:21

With kids, primarily, the main message we wanted to get across is that we have really good knowledge about brain development, social skills, just development in general and how we can support kids. We have this knowledge, all we need to do is implement. Then we looked at women’s mental health issues. There we see, again, that if we support women, we support society, because they create community, they take care of kids, they build new businesses, new life essentially. It’s an important thing to keep in mind that if we want to help the world, we need to support women.

Debra Maldonado  02:13

The third one is mental health with men and the stigma. We talked about stigma in mental health in general, but for men, it’s even worse, they’re less likely to seek treatment or seek help because of the stigma of a man having anxiety, or a man being depressed, or having even more serious issue or diagnosis, that they don’t want to deal with. They often deal with it through alcohol or drugs, or trying to be successful and pushing their feelings away, or athletics, using the grunting or working out to escape from their mindset, not really dealing and coping with their emotions. This episode is about what’s the future? We have so much information, there’s so much available. We know so much about the mind. We know the brain, the mind, and the emotions, and we have all these tools. Why are we at this state? Why is the world at such a critical state in mental health?

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