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Women and men have similar mental health challenges however, there are many ways that the stigma of mental health affects diagnosis and treatment. We look at how we can support women in our community to reclaim their power and see themselves as not broken. We explore:

  • Risk factors for women 
  • Barriers to accessing the right care
  • Gender differences and bias in approaching mental health
  • What are alternatives to therapy that are highly effective and empowering to women

This podcast represents the opinions of Debra Berndt Maldonado and Robert Maldonado, Ph.D. The content here should not be taken as medical/mental health advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your mental healthcare professional for your mental health questions.

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Empowering Women in Mental Health


Debra Maldonado  00:28 

Hello, welcome to another episode of Soul Sessions with CreativeMind. I’m your host, Debra Berndt Maldonado, along with my partner in crime. Dr. Rob Maldonado. We’re continuing our series on mental health and how to raise awareness in mental health for children, women, men, and how we can change the world to make it a mentally healthy place to be. But before we get started on today’s topic, I’d like to remind you, if you haven’t already subscribed to our channel, if you’re listening to us on YouTube, just click the little button in the corner. If you’re listening to us on one of the podcast services, don’t forget to subscribe. If you’re called to, leave us an honest review, we’d love to hear from you. Today’s topic is empowering women in mental health. I like that title because people need, especially women, but everyone needs to be empowered about their mental health, not disempowered and labeled and seen as broken. But how do we build this structure for people to get better services and actually feel more resilient, feel like they can change, that there’s a way out, they’re not trapped in a label?

Robert Maldonado  01:41

This question often comes up with our students, they ask “How do I know when therapy is appropriate for someone, and when they’re good candidates for coaching?” There are no clear-cut answers to that, it’s a gray area. But in general, we want to treat clients as adults, they can make their own decision, of course, providing they have the information. Given the right information, and this goes back, of course, to us training our coaches properly, so that they’re able to explain the difference between therapy and coaching and the pros and cons of each one.

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