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Research is showing that women lost more jobs during the pandemic than men. Debra shares that her beginnings came at a time when the economy was uncertain. Laid off from her corporate job, she knew she wanted to make her own rules and not rely on a job to create financial stability.

In this Soul Session, you will learn:

  • The benefit of Jungian psychology for aspiring women entrepreneurs.
  • The Dark Night of the Soul and how to create your path consciously, instead of by past conditioning.
  • How to step into a leadership role in your community to inspire other women to become their true selves and live their purpose.

Interact LIVE in the Private Creative Mind Coaching Facebook Group.

Experience pure awareness with the 5 Days to Bliss Meditation Challenge. 11/20-11/25. Register today for this free training and receive your free Meditation Journal download and Meditation for Beginners mp3.

Rise of the Woman Entrepreneur



Welcome to creative mind soul sessions with Debra Maldonado and Dr. Rob Maldonado, founders of creative mind, explore personal growth with us through Jungian psychology, Eastern spirituality, and social neuroscience in a deep, practical way. Let’s begin.

Robert Maldonado

And we’re back.

Debra Maldonado

We are back for another soul session.

Robert Maldonado

Yeah, we’ve been talking about to women entrepreneurs now, and digging into your personal story, although you’ve been trying to shift it to me, but

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