The Self-Awakening Course

Explore the wisdom of the Upanishads (sacred Sanskrit texts expounding the true nature of the Self) focusing on meditation and philosophy with hosts Debra Berndt Maldonado & Dr. Robert Maldonado. This Course will cultivate your awakening mind so that you can experience more peace with yourself, the world and be more empowered to make your mark.

Yes, I'm Ready to Awaken My True Self!

Are You Ready to Awaken Your True Self?

If you are intrigued by Eastern Spirituality and want to go deeper into the teachings, this course is for you. The wisdom of The Upanishads teaches us higher spiritual knowledge regarding the nature of consciousness and the battle for the liberation of the human mind. All suffering in life is caused by a misperception of our true nature – the SELF. Explore ideas that will challenge your past limited assumptions about yourself and the world to liberate your mind so that you can experience deeper states of peace, bliss and higher levels of awareness.

Register Now For Only $295!

Grow Yourself to the Next Level

The Upanishads offer us the wisdom to expand your worldview and self-perception so that you can identify with your higher nature. By understanding the apparent reality v. the absolute reality you can navigate your life in a more meaningful and fulfilling way. Life challenges become small with the right understanding and you can experience bliss by connecting with the real You.

Increased sense of well-being and reduced stress.
Deeper connection to your spiritual purpose.
Improved personal and professional relationships.
Experience balance between mind and body.
Personal empowerment towards having a meaningful and abundant career.

Program Details

Join Debra and Robert Maldonado, PhD in an On-Demand course that challenges all the assumptions you've made about yourself and life so you can free your mind and experience true bliss and awakening.


Pre-Recorded Videos

Enjoy this transformational course in the comfort of your own home.

Instruction By Debra & Rob

Explore the wisdom of the Upanishads (focusing on meditation and philosophy) with hosts Debra Berndt Maldonado & Dr. Robert Maldonado.

Visualizations & Exercises

Get a direct experience of the teachings with visualizations and exercises.

Course Overview


Nature of Awareness & Maya

Explore the layers of reality from the personal to the spiritual and how the mind is the center. Gain insights that will help you train the mind to turn inward toward awakening from ego misperceptions.


Transforming Your Relationship with the World

Expand your knowledge on the concepts of Karma and the personal conditioning which is creating your current results and distorting your perception of the true reality.


Balancing Shakti & Shiva (Matter & Spirit)

Experience yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience. Integrate the sensory (Shakti) and spiritual (Shiva) experiences of the world. Move beyond non-attachment to a deeper concept of your spiritual nature.


Awakening the True Self

Move beyond thought to a direct experience of the Self through the practice of Jnana Yoga. We awaken the internal Self, the Buddhi mind (divine intellect), which gives us a clear path looking inward to the infinity within. Sip from the nectar of immortality by bridging the concept of the sensory world with the formless Self.

About Your Instructors

Debra Berndt Maldonado

DEBRA BERNDT MALDONADO is the CEO of CreativeMind.

She is the author of the bestselling book, LET LOVE IN (Wiley 2010) and LIKE A SPARK FROM FIRE (CreativeMind Media 2022). Debi has been featured by ABC News, ABC Radio Network, FOX News, NBC News, WB2, Cosmopolitan, Natural Health, Huffington Post, YourTango, Publisher’s Weekly, Complete Woman, Inc.com, and more. She has over 30 years of marketing experience in entertainment, digital, and wellness marketing.

Her passion is to inspire people to do what they love, helping others become entrepreneurs as life coaches, authors and trainers.

Robert Maldonado, Ph.D.

ROBERT MALDONADO, Ph.D. is the President of CreativeMind.

He has had a lifelong interest in Jungian Psychology, including the study of dreams, mythology, and comparative religion. Robert’s academic training includes neuropsychology, neurodevelopment, social neuroscience, and multicultural psychology.

He earned his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Wisconsin and an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Texas.


The Self-Awakening Course

Get ready to awaken your true self.

Register Now For Only $295