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Check your email for the link to download your brochure. If you would like to learn more about Jungian Life Coaching, please sign-up below to register to our Free “Experience Jungian Psychology: A Workshop for Aspiring Coaches” workshop.

Free 3-Video
Jungian Coaching Series

Have you done personal growth work, but feel it hasn’t truly reached your core? Sign-up for a free 3-video series to learn about Life Coaching based in Jungian theory and tools to help others in a deeper way. You’ll also receive a course handout and free meditation download.


If you are ready to experience the work live and see how Jungian Life Coaching can make you an industry-leading coach, sign up below to join us for a FREE 5-day workshop on August 19-23. Join Debra and Dr. Rob daily from 1-2pm ET for Experience Jungian Psychology: A Workshop for Aspiring Coaches.